The Spikkekniv ("whittling knife") is a joint effort of Brusletto, Norges Husflidslag (The Norwegian
Folk Art and Craft Federation) and Skogselskaper (The Norwegian Forestry Society). It's really quite sweet, with about 2 3/8"
blade and 4" of handle. The blade is shaped for carving, and is made of carbon steel hardened to about 59 on the Rockwell
scale. It's the only Brusletto knife with a carbon steel blade. It's used to provide a combination of superior edge holding
and ease of sharpening. The knife is intended as a first carving knife for children to interest them in whittling and woodcraft.
The handle is stamped with an image of the project's mascot "Spikketrollet" which is suggested as an easy first carving. Model
B-3 Price 40.00---OUT OF STOCK